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NEPA Process

In partnership with SCDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Charleston County is developing an environmental assessment (EA) document for the proposed project. The EA will include a review of all proposed alternatives and will evaluate potential impacts to the natural and human environment. FHWA is leading the review of the EA. Once the EA satisfies NEPA requirements, FHWA will issue a finding of no significant impact (FONSI). The project must have an approved EA and FONSI before it can move forward with final design, permitting and acquisition of right of way.

20200828 - Environmental Process Graphic

For more information about the project evaluation process, check out these videos:

NEPA Studies     Environmental Review   |   Highway Traffic Noise   |   Hydrology

The project team is currently at Step 4 of the NEPA process - a public information meeting to present the project team's preliminary findings and proposed reasonable alternatives. Prior to this public information meeting, the project team subjected the preliminary alternatives to a 2-tier screening process based on ability to meet the project purpose and need along with preliminary screening of environmental impacts. 


Tier 1 screening eliminated the alternatives that do not meet the project's purpose of separating airport and commuter traffic while improving mobility and operations of local roadways. Tier 2 screening determined the reasonable alternatives based on environmental screening factors that you can view in the next section.

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